
QR 8 Solidago (Golden Rod)

Venus claims this herb according to astrologer and English physician Nicholas Culpeper (1616 – 1654). In his book Complete Herbal  he says, "It is the sovereign wound herb, inferior to none, both for inward and outward hurts; green wounds, old sores and ulcers, are quickly cured therewith". Plants with yellow flowers or roots, such as Golden Rod, were believed to cure conditions of Jaundice by the signature colour.

For more historic 'recipes for remedy' and further information, please follow the links below.

IMPORTANT - Warning: Please do not pick, take or eat any plant, fruit or berry from the Garden even if you think that you know what it is. Reference to any medicinal or curative properties of plants or to the recipes noted are historic and for the interest of visitors and should not be used or relied on as this may cause harm. Neither the Artist nor the Chelsea Physic Garden will be held liable if people disregard this advice.

Wellcome Trust's recipe books

The British Library

Unicorn Cookbook

Illuminated Manuscript

Culpepper's English physician; and complete herbal

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